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Message From The Pastor

Greetings, Peace, and Joy to You!

     I thank God for this opportunity to greet you and welcome you to MAMBC.  According to the Bible, (Genesis 8:4) the mountains of the region Ararat is where Noah's Ark came to rest after the flood of 150 days.  Since then man's life has been bombarded with various flooding obstacles. These infringements are employed by Satan to deter our faith in Christ. There is however good-news! The good-news is that Jesus Christ is still masterful in causing floods to recede.

     There may be floods in your life today but there is as well a Mt. Ararat in your destiny. I believe that you have landed upon the "Landing Place from Life's Storms!" This is no accident that you are here on our page. This is Providence! God has led you to Mt. Ararat to receive a fresh and fulfilling restart to life. Here at Mt. Ararat each week of worship is a Revival Service, where we employ upon the Holy Spirit to restore the joy of our salvation. Our teaching objectives are two-fold, first to educate the saints biblically and secondly to train congregants to become educators of the Word.

     You are invited to Mt. Ararat and we are looking forward to an opportunity to fellowship with you during our next worship gathering.


Sola Scripture


Dr. Craig B. Scott, M. Div.

Dr. Craig B. Scott

Doctor Craig B. Scott, a native of Pensacola, Florida attended Escambia County School System and is a graduate of Booker T. Washington High School class of 1982.  He is the sixth child of eight siblings.  After high school, Pastor Scott attended Selma University, where he earned a Bachelor of Arts Degree.  He later earned two advanced degrees, including a Masters’ in Divinity from Selma University and subsequent one from Luther Rice College and Seminary of Lithonia, Georgia. He is presently completing doctoral studies in ministry at Luther Rice Seminary.

     Craig B. Scott received his calling into ministry at the age of fifteen. He preached his first public sermon at age eighteen, at his membership church in Pensacola – St. John Divine Missionary Baptist Church (September 1982).  He was ordained into the gospel ministry there as well (October 1984).  Prior to be assigned to Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church of Selma, Alabama, Pastor Scott served as faithfully as congregational leader at – Pleasant Hill Baptist (Milton, FL), Mt. Lilly Baptist (Pensacola, Fl.), Siloam Baptist (Orrville, AL), Shiloh Baptist (Centreville, AL), St. Paul Baptist (Jemison, AL), and Galilee Baptist (Florence, AL).  Pastor Scott and his wife Vanessa of twenty-three years are blessed parents of six children and seven grandchildren.

     Pastor Scott believes that while the Church of the twenty-first century is in grave danger, current conditions have no effect on standards set forth in the Bible. The Scripture declares that the gates of hell shall not prevail against the Church (Matthew 16:18).  With that assurance, he comes to Mt. Ararat and the Selma Community knowing that God has given him purpose in this assignment. This purpose is to carry out the biblical prerequisite for ministry which states from the book of the prophet Isaiah:

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me, Because He has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor: He has sent Me to heal the brokenhearted, To proclaim liberty to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, To set at liberty those who are oppressed;" (Luke. 4:18 NKJV).

     Pastor Scott is dedicated as well to carrying out the biblical mandate given by Christ in (Mathew 28:18-20 NKJV) as the means to share the load of binding the brokenhearted, proclaiming liberty to the captive, restoring sight to the blind, and liberating the oppressed. He believes that it is the responsibility of every Christian to unite in the mission work of "Making Disciples to Make Disciples." Under the leadership of Pastor Scott, the MAMBC is transforming to become greater at being who we profess to be. We ask that you come and share in the disciple-making efforts of our Senior Pastor and congregation.

Three Generations of Mt. Ararat Pastors


Mt. Ararat Missionary Baptist Church 

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